Infomerics Ratings

Infomerics Valuation and Rating Limited (Erstwhile Infomerics Valuation and Rating Pvt. Ltd.)  is a SEBI registered and RBI accredited Credit Rating Agency.

INFOMERICS is promoted by Mr. Vipin Malik, a professional Chartered Accountant along with a team of eminent educationists, finance and Banking professionals.

Infomerics employs credit rating models which have been developed in-house with the aid of inter-alia, ML based frameworks to estimate probability of default. Credit Rating assessment is carried out by a team of professionals, and we have Rating Committees with majority of independent members consisting of professionals from financial services, industry and administrative services sector to assign investment grade ratings and rating to large exposures.

Infomerics has its Registered Office and Head Office at New Delhi, Corporate office in Mumbai and Branches pan India. Infomerics has a JV for credit Rating at Nepal and has ambitious plan to expand overseas. 


To ensure quality standards of rating, research and information service products comparable on a global scale. To offer a range of high-quality services to all the stakeholders in the capital and money market.

To apply credible tools & techniques on the most updated IT platform in order to deliver top quality end products. To earn customer satisfaction and investor confidence through sincere and professional excellence.

To build a pre-eminent position in India in securities analysis, research and information services in order to become a global rating agency.

To remain deeply committed to our internal and external stakeholders.


To be an honorable company providing transparent, value added information and rating services to its clients.