- Presently Ambassador of India to Turkmenistan
- Professor, Jawaharlal Nehru University (Retd.)
- UGC National Emeritus Fellow, Nehru Museum and Library, Teen Murti, New Delhi
- Professor Ram Pal Kaushik is currently an Emeritus Fellow at Nehru memorial Museum and library, teen murti, new Delhi. He has taught a Delhi as well as Jawaharlal Nehru universities and has retired from JNU recently.
- He is a distinguished scholar in Social Sciences and Humanities, having specialized in History, Political Science and International Relations.
- Author of several books and dozens of articles, he has visited United States, Europe and Africa in the Course of his Fulbright Fellowships, Lecture tours and also as Visiting Professor, to American Universities, viz. Columbia University, New York, University of California Berkeley, Chicago University, Chicago and Princeton University in USA.
- He is an Eminent Educationist who has served, more than three times, as the Chairman Governing Bodies in Delhi University Colleges. He has been the Provost and Dean in Jawaharlal Nehru University and Member, Executive Council of JNU.
- He has also been a Director of the Board of Andhra Bank for six years and has occupied and continues to occupy important positions, such as, President Fulbright Alumni Association, Delhi.
- He is a member of several professional bodies, India International Centre, Indian Institute of Defense Studies (IDSA) and Indian History Association etc.
- He is currently Member, National Committee on Eco – Tourism and Mountains, Ministry of Tourism and Culture, Government of India and Member, Advisory Board for National Library, Kolkata.
- Post-Doctoral Senior Fulbright-smith Mundt Fellow, Department of History, University of California, Berkeley, California, USA, 1972-73.
- Ph.D. American Studies, Indian School of International Studies (now SIS), Jawaharlal Nehru University, 1970.
- Indian and US Policies towards the Korean was with special reference to the Indo-US relations, 1959-53
- M. A. Political Science – 1958 Delhi University, Delhi
- Specialized Studies on America, Columbia University, 1964-65
- Have done special work on American Affairs Society and History. While in Berkeley on Sr. Fulbright Smith Mundt Fellowship – 1972-73. “Historiography of Civil War and Reconstruction 1860-1877”.
- Faculty Associates: Prof. Kenneth M. Stampp Prof. Lawrence Levine
- Have done special courses and programmes art Columbia University, New York, 1964-65.
- Special course on International Relations with Professor Leonard Goodrich, New York, 1965.
Attended Courses conducted and credits earned under eminent professors in the US.
- Professor Max Lerner, American Studies
- Professor Hans J. Morganthau, International Politics
- Professor Richard N. Current
- Professor Merle Curti, American History
- Attended, American Historians Meet at Detsoit, 1982.
- 40 Years
- Professor Merle Curti, American History
- Delhi University 1959-1976; Jawaharlal Nehru University – 1976-2001.
- Jawaharlal Nehru University, Both as Associate Professor and Professor at the Centre for American Studies, SIS, JNU, 1976-2001.
- Jawaharlal Nehru University, Both as Associate Professor and Professor at the Centre for American Studies, SIS, JNU, 1976-2001.
- Delhi University, as an Associate Professor at the Dept. of History 1974-76
- Senior Lecturer and Lecturer at Hindu College, Delhi University, 1960-74;
- Lecturer, Dayal Singh College, 1959-60
- Political Science
- History of the United States
- International Relations
- American Studies
- Comparative Governments
- Member, University Grants Commission (1995-1998)
- Chairman, Academic Planning Committee, Indira Gandhi Institute of Research and Development, Goregaon, Mumbai.
- Chairman Jt. Cadre Review, UGC, All India Central Universities, Deemed to be Universities, Inter University Centres, Mass Communication and UGC, 1997-99.
- Chairman, Standing Committee, UGC, Area Studies Programme, 1995-98.
- Chairman, Standing Committee, UGC, Autonomous Colleges, 1995-1998.
- Chairman, Standing Committee, UGC, Cultural Exchange Programmes, 1995-98.
- Chairman UGC Exemption Committee, 1995-98.
- Chairman, governing Board, Dayal Singh College, Delhi University, 1996-99.
- Member, E.C., NAAC, Bangalore, 1999-todate.
- Chairman, governing Board, Shaheed Bhagat Singh College, Delhi University, 1986-89.
- Chairman, Centre for American and West European Studies, 1986-1998; 1991-94 and February 1996 to November, 1996.
- Chairman, Cadre Review committee, Jawaharlal Nehru University, 1994-1997.
- Member, Executive Council, Jawaharlal Nehru University Visitor’s Nominee 1992-1994.
- Chairman, Committee on Canteens, Jawaharlal Nehru University, 1989-93
- DEAN, Acing periodically, Students Welfare, Jawaharlal Nehru University.
- Provost, Dakshinauram, Inter Halls, Jawaharlal Nehru University, 1989-1992
- Foreign Students Adviser, Jawaharlal Nehru university, 1994 o 1997.
- In this capacity, have been involved in counseling and resolving the educational problems of the international students community in Indian Universities.
- UGC Representative, Member Executive Council, American Studies Research Centre 9ASRC), Hyderabad, 1991-todate.
- UGC Representative, centre for English and Foreign Languages (CIEFL0, Hyderabad, 1990-1993.
- Director, Board of Directors, Andhra Bank, A Govt. of India undertaking.
- Ministry of External Affairs – Have been invited for Consultation from time to time.
- Member, Governing body, College of Vocational Studies, University of Delhi 1983-84.
- Member, Governing Body, Desh Bandu College, University of Delhi, Delhi – 1984-86.
- Member of the Board of Studies, Rohtak University, Rohtak, 1983-89.
- Member of the government body, Hindu College, University of Delhi – 1973-74.
- Member of the Board of Studies, Rohtak University, Rohtak, 1983-89.
- Visiting Professor, Auburn University Alabama, US, June, 1997.
- Visiting Professor, University of Helsinki, Finland, April – May, 1997.
- President, Indian association for American Studies (All India Body), 1995-1996.
- Government of India, Ministry of External Affairs sponsored visits to promote Indo-US Relations, Andrew Carnegie Institute, Smithsonian, State Department Officials, Washington DC and several Universities in the US December, - January, 1993-94.
- Was elected to the position of Secretary General-cum-Treasurer, World University Services (WUS) by the delegates of South Asian for two consecutive terms.
- Had been instrumental in negotiating education for all programme at Bangkok as part of world University Service from India, 1993.
- India’s Delegate to the Defence Symposium – India and US Defence Co-operation, Washington, DC, USA, 23-26 April, 1992.
- Invited to Lecture on India’s Placement in South Asia – Super Power Role, Germany (West Then), University of Heidelburg and Constance, June, 1991.
- Invited to participate in a series of seminars of US-Soviet Relations, in George Town University, Stanford University, University of Illinois, Urbana Champaign, Harvard University , boson and Columbia University, New York, USA, 25 January – 12 February, 1991.
- Invited to give Lecturers by the Asia Society, New York under the Festival of India Programme in April, 1986. Lectures were held in New York, Los Angles and Chicago,
- Invited to Lecturer at the Marga Institute of International Relations, Colombo, SriLanka on India and its neighbours, April, 1986.
- Invited to Lecturer to group of officials and Members of the US Congress and other scholars on India-US Relations, Washington DC, Autumn, 1981.
- Government of India, Ministry of External Affairs, sponsored visits to Lecture on non-alignment to USA, Mexico, Venezuela, Trinidad and Tobacco, Guinea, Surinam, Jamaica, London, Nigeria, Ghana and Kenya, November – December, 1981.
- Invited under a US Government Programme for visits to and Discussion with specialists in American History in the University of Chicago, Harvard University, Yale University. University of Massachusetts, Princeton University and the Columbia University, spring, 1981.
- Visiting Fellow, University of Chicago, III. USA May, 1979-1980.
- Invited to Lecture on areas of Conflict during the Inter-War period (1919-1939) at the National Defence College, tees January Marg, New Delhi and have been giving lectures periodically.
- Have been invited periodically to lecture at Military College of Combat at Mow, Madhya Pradesh.
- Invited to participate as the Delegate from India in BI-Centennial Conference of Asian Countries at Kyoto, Japan, July, 1975.
- Invited to lecture on India’s Foreign Policy – Its Placement in South Asia and East Asia, at the Fisk University, Vanderbit University and Tennessee State University, Nashville, Tenn, 1975.
- Visiting Research Scholar, Colombia University, New York, USA, 1964-65.
- Had conducted a Workshop on the “Refugee and Displaced Persons Problems of Sri Lanka and the Neighboring Countries in South Asia”, at Bangkok.
- Have also been involved in the summer of 1995, in a Workshop on “Higher Education and the Issue of Human Rights” Sponsored by UNESCO at Shimla, Institute of Advanced Studies, 1996.
- Awarded a position of Scholar in Residence. American Studies Research Centre, Hyderabad, 1978.
- Elected Secretary, Indian Congress of American History, 1975.
- Lectured on the History of the United States, 1875-1920 at the University of Delhi (Post Graduate Students) since 1975-1990.
- Books
- R. P. Kaushik, Super Power Stances: US-Soviet Relations (Vikas Publications, New Delhi), 1991
- R. P. Kaushik, et. Al., Significant Themes in American History (Ajanta International) 1981.
- R. P. Kaushik, Back to the front: An Unfinished Story of Vietnam, (Orient Longment & Co., New Delhi), in 1979.
- R. P. Kaushik, Chapter in Problems and Perspectives of American History (Hyderabad, 1979).
- R. P. Kaushik, et. AI., Outlines of American History (Young Publications, New Delhi – 1974)
- R. P. Kaushik, et. AI, American Government and Politics (Chand Publishers, Delhi – 1973).
- R. P. Kaushik, Crucial Years of Non-Alignment (Kumar Bros, New Delhi 1971).
- Indian Association of American Studies
- Indian Think Tank – India International Centre
- Foreign Affairs Group, India International Centre
- Organization of American History, USA.
- Organization of American History, USA.
- India International Centre, Lodhi Estate New Delhi
- Indira Gandhi Centre for Art and Culture, 3, Dr. Rajendra Prasad Road, New Delhi
M.Phils - 30
Ph.Ds. - 25
M.Phils - 12 research scholars
Ph.Ds. - 08 research scholars
- US in Word Affairs since the Second World War
- Ethnicity and Pluralistic Aspects of American Society.
- Research Methodology
- History of United States, 1890-1920
- History United States, 18990-1920.
- Super Powers and the Third World – Contemporary Period.
- Issues and Perspective of India’s Foreign Policy in the Post Cold War Era.
- Role of the United Nations in the new world Order.
- Indian Diaspora, Ethnicity and problems of minorities in a Plural Society: USA.
- Have contributed feature articles in Newspapers and journals from time to time.